Våre teknologipartnere

Vi samarbeider med kjente, globale ledere innen teknologi-industrien, for å samskape innovative og fremtidsklare løsninger som redefinerer industristandarder.

Our Technology Partners

Cloud Platforms

Cloud computing is not just a technology platform. It’s a driver for business transformation and growth. We partner with clients to craft a business strategy, design a cloud roadmap, streamline a transition to the cloud, and deploy modern platforms for ongoing operational excellence.

No matter where our clients are on their cloud journey, Seven Peaks brings curiosity, passion, and deep technical and strategic expertise to transformational projects.

Our team is made of certified cloud architects and data engineers who can build modern, decoupled and scalable cloud solutions on both Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. We are a recognized partner with several certifications, helping our clients deploy the latest solutions successfully.

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Solutions Areas & Expertise

Application Strategy & Deployment

Product Innovation & Engineering

Migration & Modernization

Cloud Architecture

Data & Analytics

Data Visualization

Digital Customer Experience

Cloud Operations


Product Analytics

Understanding how your product is used and making data-driven decisions is essential for your growth. Seven Peaks provides deep expertise in analytics and leverages partners such as Mixpanel, which allows our clients to harness the power of advanced product analytics.

With Product Analytics capabilities, our customers can gain valuable insights into user behaviour and as a result, optimize their digital products, driving customer engagement to new heights.


Solutions Areas & Expertise

A/B Testing and Experimentation

Data Visualization and Reporting

Product Usage Tracking

Customer Segmentation

Funnel Analysis

Retention and Churn Analysis

Custom Event Tracking

User Behavior Analysis


CX & Engagement

Delivering an exceptional customer experience (CX) is the cornerstone of modern business success. Companies that provide an exceptional CX grow revenue faster than those lagging behind and are able to cut costs, reduce risk, and even charge more for their products and services.

Seven Peaks offers deep knowledge in areas such as user research, customer journey mapping, segmentation, and personalization. Our partnership with MoEngage and Talon.one allows us to empower our clients to create personalized and meaningful interactions with their customers.

Solutions Areas & Expertise

Behavioral Triggered Messaging

Customer Loyalty and Rewards

Campaign Automation

Push Notifications and In-App Messaging

Multi-Channel Marketing

Promotion and Coupon Management

Customer Journey Mapping

Personalization and Segmentation


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In the dynamic world of customer acquisition, having the right tools and strategies is paramount. Seven Peaks supports clients through robust data-driven strategies, leading to successful campaigns, and driving growth.

Our team of digital marketing experts leverages Facebook, Google, Line, TikTok, Shopee, and LinkedIn, and supports clients with advanced analytics platforms such as AppsFlyer.

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Seven-Peaks-Software-and-AWS-cloud-architecture-800x800 Seven-Peaks-Software-and-AWS-cloud-architecture-800x800 16267289-aws-select-tier-services-partne-900x900

Solutions Areas & Expertise

Ad Campaign Management

Multi-Channel Advertising

Target Audience Profiling

Ad Creative Optimization

Performance Analytics and Attribution

User Acquisition Strategy

App Install Tracking

ROI and Conversion Optimization


eCommerce Solutions

E-commerce has opened up a new world of opportunities for businesses, allowing them to reach a global audience, operate around the clock, and offer a more convenient shopping experience.

For consumers, it provides the ability to easily compare products and prices, access a wider range of products, and shop at their own convenience. As we continue to advance into the digital age, the importance and impact of e-commerce on our daily lives and the global economy continue to grow.

In this world, having the right tools and technologies is crucial for brands. Seven Peaks partners with Stripe and Bluestone to support customers on their e-commerce journey. Stripe simplifies payments and ensures seamless transactions, while Bluestone enhances our client’s eCommerce capabilities with robust features.


Solutions Areas & Expertise

Checkout and Conversion Optimization

E-commerce Website Development

Order Fulfillment and Shipping Optimization

Inventory Management

Online Payment Processing

Subscription Billing

Fraud Prevention and Security

Payment Gateway Integration


Våre teknologipartnere


Skyløsninger er ikke bare en plattform for teknologi. Det er en driver innen bedriftstransformasjon og vekst. Vi samarbeider med klienter for å skape en bedriftsstategi, designe en skykartlegging og effektivisere din overgang til skyløsninger for å distribuere moderne plattformer for kontinuerlig operativ ekspertise.

Uansett hvor klientene våre er på deres skyreise, leverer Seven Peaks nysgjerrighet, lidenskap og en dyp teknisk og strategisk ekspertise innen transformasjonsprosjekter.

Vårt team er skapt av sertifiserte skyarkitekter og dataingeniører som kan bygge moderne, frakoblede, og skalerbare løsninger gjennom både Microsoft Azure og Amazon Web Services. Vi er en anerkjent samarbeidspartner med flere sertifikasjoner, som hjelper våre klienter å distribuere de siste løsningene med suksess. 

Løsningsområder og ekspertise





Data & analyser





Microsoft Solutions Partner (Digital & App Innovation Azure) Microsoft Solutions Partner (Data & AI Azure)  

AWS Partner (Select Tier Services)



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Salesforce Consulting Partner-Platinum  

Løsningspartnere innenfor digital- & appinnovasjon (Azure)

For å promotere maksimum innovasjon, service av høy kvalitet og kundesuksess, vil Seven Peaks Software jobbe tett sammen med et nettverk av ledende globale teknologibedrifter som våre teknologiske partnere.

Som en løsningspartner innenfor digital- & appinnovasjon (Azure), demonstrerer vi våre brede evner til å hjelpe kundene våre bygge, kjøre og administrere applikasjoner tvers over flere skyer, på stedet og på kanten.

Dette samarbeidet forbedrer løsningene våre, noe som sikrer levering av tjenester til våre klienter med den høyeste kvaliteten mulig.



Forstå hvordan produktet ditt blir brukt, og ta datadrevne beslutninger, noe som er essensielt for vekst.

Seven Peaks tilbyr en dyp ekspertise innen analyser og utnytter samarbeidspartnere som Mixpanel, som gjør at våre klienter kan bruke avanserte produktanalyser til sin fordel.

Med produktanalysefunksjoner kan kundene våre få verdifull innsikt i brukeratferd og som et resultat optimalisere sine digitale produkter, og drive kundeengasjement til nye høyder.

Løsningsområder og ekspertise












CX & engasjement

Å levere en eksepsjonell kundeopplevelse (CX) er en av de viktigste ingrediensene i oppskriften for å skape moderne bedriftssuksess. Bedrifter med en eksepsjonell CX øker inntektene sine raskere enn de som henger etter og er i stand til å kutte kostander, redusere risiko og til og med ta mer betalt for produktene og tjenestene sine.

Seven Peaks tilbyr en dyp kunnskap i områder som brukerresearch, kartlegging av kundereisen, segmentasjon og personalisering.

Vårt samarbeid med MoEngage og Talon.one gjør det mulig for oss å styrke våre klienter til å lage skreddersydde og meningsfulle interaksjoner med kundene deres.

Løsningsområder og ekspertise

Utløste meldinger




Multi-Channel Marketing




Meldinger i appen

Moengage Partner Certified - Implementation Talon.One Badge  


I kundeanskaffelsens dynamiske verden, er å ha de riktige verktøyene og stragiene livsviktig.

Seven Peaks støtter klienter gjennom robuste, datadrevne strategier, som er nøkkelen til suksessfulle kampanjer og vekst.

Vårt team av digitale markedsføringseksperter utnytter seg av Facebook, Google, Line, TikTok, Shopee og LinkedIn, og støtter klienter med avanserte analyseplatformer som f.eks. Appsflyer.

Løsningsområder og ekspertise


Multi-Channel annonser





Appinstallasjoner sporing



Line Ads Platform Banner Facebook Marketing Partner Banner Google Partner Banner


E-commerce har åpnet opp en hel ny verden av muligheter for bedrifter, noe som gjør det mulig for dem å nå et globalt publikum, operere døgnet rundt, og tilby en enklere handelsopplevelse.

For forbrukere, gir det dem evnen til å enkelt sammenligne produkter og priser, adgang til et bredere produktvalg, og de kan handle når det best passer dem. Mens vi fortsetter å gå inn i den digitale tidsalderen, fortsetter betydningen og innvirkningen av e-commerce på våre daglige liv og den globale økonomien å vokse.

I denne verdenen er det viktig for bedrifter å bruke de riktige verktøyene og teknologiene. Seven Peaks samarbeider med Stripe og Bluestone for å støtte kunder på deres egen e-commerce reise. Stripe sikrer enkel betaling og sømløse transaksjoner, mens Bluestone forbedrer våre klienters eCommerce muligheter med robuste funksjoner.

Løsningsområder og ekspertise


E-commerce nettsteder





Forebygging av svindel



Stripe Partner Badge


Salesforce_Consulting Partner-Platinum Badge





Our Technology Partners

Cloud Platforms

Cloud computing is not just a technology platform. It’s a driver for business transformation and growth. We partner with clients to craft a business strategy, design a cloud roadmap, streamline a transition to the cloud, and deploy modern platforms for ongoing operational excellence.

No matter where our clients are on their cloud journey, Seven Peaks brings curiosity, passion, and deep technical and strategic expertise to transformational projects.

Our team is made of certified cloud architects and data engineers who can build modern, decoupled, and scalable cloud solutions on both Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. We are a recognized partner with several certifications, helping our clients deploy the latest solutions successfully.

Solutions Areas & Expertise

Application Strategy

Product Innovation


Cloud Architecture

Data & Analytics

Data Visualization

Customer Experience

Cloud Operations


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Solutions Partner for Digital & App Innovation (Azure)

To promote maximum innovation, high quality service, and customer success, Seven Peaks Software works closely with a network of top global tech companies as our technology partners.

As a Solutions Partner of Microsoft for Digital & App Innovation (Azure), we demonstrate our broad capabilities to help our customers build, run, and manage applications across multiple clouds, on-premises, and at the edge.

This collaboration enhances our solutions which allows us to deliver services to our clients at the highest level.


Product Analytics

Understanding how your product is used and making data-driven decisions is essential for your growth.

Seven Peaks provides deep expertise in analytics and leverages partners such as Mixpanel, which allows our clients to harness the power of advanced product analytics.

With Product Analytics capabilities, our customers can gain valuable insights into user behaviour and as a result, optimize their digital products, driving customer engagement to new heights.

Solutions Areas & Expertise

A/B Testing

Data Visualization

Product Tracking

Customer Segments

Funnel Analysis

Retention Analysis

Custom Event Tracking

User Behavior Analysis

Churn Analysis

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CX & Engagement

Delivering an exceptional customer experience (CX) is the cornerstone of modern business success. Companies that provide an exceptional CX grow revenue faster than those lagging behind and are able to cut costs, reduce risk, and even charge more for their products and services.

Seven Peaks offers deep knowledge in areas such as user research, customer journey mapping, segmentation, and personalization.

Our partnership with MoEngage and Talon.one allows us to empower our clients to create personalized and meaningful interactions with their customers.

Solutions Areas & Expertise

Triggered Messaging

Customer Loyalty

Campaign Automation

Push Notifications

Multi-Channel Marketing

Promotion Management

Journey Mapping


In-App Messaging

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In the dynamic world of customer acquisition, having the right tools and strategies is paramount.

Seven Peaks supports clients through robust data-driven strategies, leading to successful campaigns, and driving growth.

Our team of digital marketing experts leverages Facebook, Google, Line, TikTok, Shopee, and LinkedIn, and supports clients with advanced analytics platforms such as AppsFlyer.

Solutions Areas & Expertise

Ad Management

Multi-Channel Ads

Audience Profiling

Ad Optimization

Performance Analytics

Acquisition Strategy

App Install Tracking

ROI Optimization

Conversion Optimization

eCommerce Solutions

E-commerce has opened up a new world of opportunities for businesses, allowing them to reach a global audience, operate around the clock, and offer a more convenient shopping experience.

For consumers, it provides the ability to easily compare products and prices, access a wider range of products, and shop at their own convenience. As we continue to advance into the digital age, the importance and impact of e-commerce on our daily lives and the global economy continue to grow.

In this world, having the right tools and technologies is crucial for brands. Seven Peaks partners with Stripe and Bluestone to support customers on their e-commerce journey. Stripe simplifies payments and ensures seamless transactions, while Bluestone enhances our client’s eCommerce capabilities with robust features.

Solutions Areas & Expertise

Checkout Optimization

E-commerce Websites

Order Fulfillment

Inventory Management

Payment Processing

Subscription Billing

Fraud Prevention

Payment Integration

Shipping Optimization

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Our Technology Partners

Analytics and engagement

Our dynamic digital marketing team works with various products & marketing analytics platforms including AppsFlyer, MixPanel, MoEngage and more. Through partnering with our analytics partners, we are able to further develop our validated learning model to help our clients measure the usage of software solutions; helping to identify problems and come up with the right solutions.

These solutions include improving conversion rate, reactivating users, re-engaging lost users, Big Data, and Business Intelligence.

Mixpanel is a business analytics service company that tracks user interactions with web and mobile applications through providing tools for targeted communication.
We partner with Mixpanel to leverage relevant digital data to perform effective and personalized global digital marketing campaigns.

Insider is a platform for individualized, cross-channel experiences that enables enterprise marketers to connect customer data across channels and systems, predict their future behavior with an AI intent engine, and orchestrate individualized experiences to customers.

AppsFlyer is a leading attribution & marketing analytics platform that helps our digital marketing team measure the performance on all marketing channels.

Doing this helps improve performance through big data and digital tools with a large variety of integration options.

MoEngage is a customer engagement platform offering marketing automation solutions that helps businesses improve customer engagement.

We partner with MoEngage to leverage relevant digital data to perform effective and personalized global digital marketing campaigns.

Our Technology Partners

Analytics and engagement

Our dynamic digital marketing team works with various products & marketing analytics platforms including AppsFlyer, MixPanel, MoEngage and more. Through partnering with our analytics partners, we are able to further develop our validated learning model to help our clients measure the usage of software solutions; helping to identify problems and come up with the right solutions.

These solutions include improving conversion rate, reactivating users, re-engaging lost users, Big Data, and Business Intelligence.

Mixpanel is a business analytics service company that tracks user interactions with web and mobile applications through providing tools for targeted communication.
We partner with Mixpanel to leverage relevant digital data to perform effective and personalized global digital marketing campaigns.

Insider is a platform for individualized, cross-channel experiences that enables enterprise marketers to connect customer data across channels and systems, predict their future behavior with an AI intent engine, and orchestrate individualized experiences to customers.

AppsFlyer is a leading attribution & marketing analytics platform that helps our digital marketing team measure the performance on all marketing channels.

Doing this helps improve performance through big data and digital tools with a large variety of integration options.

MoEngage is a customer engagement platform offering marketing automation solutions that helps businesses improve customer engagement.

We partner with MoEngage to leverage relevant digital data to perform effective and personalized global digital marketing campaigns.

Cloud providers

Our certified cloud architects are experienced in working on both Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) for building modern, decoupled, and scalable cloud solutions. Our team also primarily works on the backend developer side with both .NET Core and Node JS.

Seven Peaks Software is a Microsoft Gold Partner for application development. As an esteemed Microsoft Partner since 2016, we can help you successfully deploy their latest and greatest solutions.

We partner and work with Amazon Web Services (AWS Cloud).
This partnership allows for our certified cloud architects to consult and assist you in securing your data onto the leading cloud database platforms.

We partner and work with Microsoft Azure Cloud.

This partnership allows for our certified cloud architects to consult and assist you in securing your data onto the leading cloud database platforms.

We partner and work with Alibaba Cloud.

This partnership allows for our certified cloud architects to consult and assist you in securing your data onto the leading cloud database platforms.

We partner and work with Google Cloud.

This partnership allows for our certified cloud architects to consult and assist you in securing your data onto the leading cloud database platforms.

We partner and work with Huawei Cloud.

This partnership allows for our certified cloud architects to consult and assist you in securing your data onto the leading cloud database platforms.

Customer relationship management systems

Through partnering with customer relationship management platforms, we are able to effectively manage our contact base for developing and maintaining our clients to deliver smart CRM solutions.
Freshworks CRM provides a 360° view of customer leads through capturing and combining customer experiences in one place.
We partner with Freshworks CRM to manage and deliver personalized messages to our customers through leveraging the right user behavior and demographical data.

Pipedrive is a global cloud-based software company that is developing a leading customer relationship management tool for sales and marketing teams.

We partner with Pipedrive, helping us to effectively develop, nurture, and close our in-bound leads for our growing global client base.

Communication platforms & systems

Ensuring that our communication is safe and secure. We have partnered with communications platforms to ensure efficient and safe communication when working and communicating online among teams globally.

Intercom is a customer engagement operating system that helps businesses connect with their customers.
It comprises customer support tools and bots that empower companies to quickly build and maintain personal relationships online with their business and customers.

SendGrid is a cloud-based SMTP provider that allows sending emails without having to maintain email servers, making SendGrid the world’s largest cloud-based email delivery platform.

We partner with SendGrid to deploy secure email marketing campaigns.

Singular Live brings decades of experience in the broadcast space.

We work with Singular Live to make use of their expansive knowledge of traditional graphics platforms to help us create more powerful live graphics.

Digital marketing partners

Through our digital marketing partners, we are able to create tailored social media strategies that are aligned with our client’s target audiences including optimization campaigns, pinpointing user activities, demand generation, and B2B marketing.

Optimization campaigns

An intent to buy and discover brands is naturally generated through search queries on search engines and social media platform. Redirect your audience attention to your brand with Google and Meta marketing platforms.

Pinpointing user activities

Target your brand directly to Thailand’s No.1 messaging app with your current CRM, HTTP cookie, email, phone number, or even GPS coordinates.

Demand generation

Generate authentic demand through content creation and influencer outreach via Tiktok and Shopee marketing platforms.

B2B marketing

Targeting specific industries, professional experience, and roles is possible on Linkedin. As a result, targeting every decision maker in Thailand is only a push of a button.

Ecommerce solutions

Working with ecommerce platforms to develop seamless payments solutions through our software development and UX design.
Stripe brings together everything that’s required to build websites and apps that accept payments and send payouts globally.
Stripe’s products power payments for online and in-person retailers, subscriptions businesses, software platforms and marketplaces, and everything in between.

Bluestone PIM is a disruptive SaaS platform for Product Information Management (PIM).

We partner with Bluestone PIM to collaborate on several large enterprise projects which include the quality assurance and testing of digital transformation products.

The Internet of Things

We work with some of the largest telecommunication companies to develop large-scale IoT products through cloud solutions and more.
Telenor Connexion enables industry leading players to connect their products and services on a global scale through the most well proven and reliable IoT services in the market.
We partner with Telenor Connexion to develop global IoT projects through our cloud-based solutions.

Ta kontakt for å spørre om samarbeidet du leter etter, og en av våre teammedlemmer vil ta kontakt.

A logo of Microsoft Solutions Partner

Solutions Partner for Digital & App Innovation (Azure)

To promote maximum innovation, high quality service, and customer success, Seven Peaks Software works closely with a network of top global tech companies as our technology partners.

As a Solutions Partner of Microsoft for Digital & App Innovation (Azure), we demonstrate our broad capabilities to help our customers build, run, and manage applications across multiple clouds, on-premises, and at the edge.

This collaboration enhances our solutions which allows us to deliver services to our clients at the highest level.

An engineer explaining code to others
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Solutions Partner for Digital & App Innovation (Azure)

To promote maximum innovation, high quality service, and customer success, Seven Peaks Software works closely with a network of top global tech companies as our technology partners.

As a Solutions Partner of Microsoft for Digital & App Innovation (Azure), we demonstrate our broad capabilities to help our customers build, run, and manage applications across multiple clouds, on-premises, and at the edge.

This collaboration enhances our solutions which allows us to deliver services to our clients at the highest level.

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Solutions Partner for Digital & App Innovation (Azure)

To promote maximum innovation, high quality service, and customer success, Seven Peaks Software works closely with a network of top global tech companies as our technology partners.

As a Solutions Partner of Microsoft for Digital & App Innovation (Azure), we demonstrate our broad capabilities to help our customers build, run, and manage applications across multiple clouds, on-premises, and at the edge.

This collaboration enhances our solutions which allows us to deliver services to our clients at the highest level.

Teknologipartnere tilbyr effektive løsninger

Vi setter ingeniørarbeid først, og vi er stolte av å kalle oss et "engineering-first company". Vår ledergruppe er alle ingeniører – som sørger for at vi har en "engineering first"-tilnærming.

Vi er et team av erfarne lokale og internasjonale programutviklere og designere som har jobbet med å levere programvaretjenester av høy kvalitet i flere områder, fra store firmaer til raskt voksende start-ups.

Vårt fokus på kvalitet gjennom gjennomtenkte prosesser og utnytting av digitale verktøy, sørger for at vi leverer de beste produktene, løsningene og resultatene mulig til klientene våre over hele verden.

Technology partners provide powerful solutions

We put engineering first and we’re proud to call ourselves an engineering-first company. Our leadership team are all engineers – making sure that we have an ‘engineering first’ approach.

We are a team of experienced local & international software developers and designers who have worked in delivering quality software development services in various fields ranging from large enterprises to rapid growth startups.

Our high focus on quality through thoughtful processes and the leverage of digital tools ensure the best possible products, solutions, and outcomes for our clients around the world.

A group of engineers working on their laptops

Vi verdsetter langsiktige samarbeid

Vi har en gjennomsnittlig levetidsverdi på over 3 år for alle våre kunder globalt.

Vi tror på langsiktige samarbeid med våre klienter, som har hjulpet oss å skape langsiktige win-win løsninger gjennom våre år innen business.

Som din troverdige teknologipartner, verdsetter vi å bygge relasjoner basert på tillit og åpenhet, for å sikre et gjensidig, fordelaktig og langsiktig samarbeid for dienr transformasjonsmål.

We value long-term partnerships

We have an average customer life-time value of over 3 years throughout all of our clients globally.

We believe in long term partnerships with our clients, which has helped us create long lasting win-win solutions throughout our years in business.

As your trusted technology partner, we value building relationships based on trust and transparency to ensure a mutually beneficial long term partnership for your digital transformation goals.

We value long-term partnerships

We have an average customer life-time value of over 3 years throughout all of our clients globally.

We believe in long term partnerships with our clients, which has helped us create long lasting win-win solutions throughout our years in business.

As your trusted technology partner, we value building relationships based on trust and transparency to ensure a mutually beneficial long term partnership for your digital transformation goals.

Three employees engaged in a discussion about important topics

Interessert i å jobbe med oss?

Kontakt oss nå og teamet vårt kommer til å svare deg innen de neste 24 timene.