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2024 Infographic

Build Al-powered apps with Microsoft Azure and Seven Peaks

Explore the Impact of Azure AI on Application Transformation, Download the infographic here

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Chart - 93 Blue-1

of organizationsare currently or plan to

use Al in the next 12 months

Chart - 93

of organizations are currently or plan to.

use Al in the next 12 months.

“Now, for a firm like [ours], [investing in AI] is mandatory. We cannot imagine our future without embracing AI.

A Partner

Professional Service Industry

Al is driving app transformation trends

Over the last several months, we have seen Al and its capabilities solidity its role as a necessary tool for businesses to drive continued growth and innovation.


of organizations are currently or plan to use Al in the next 12 months.


of enterprises will have used generative Al


of workloads will run in a cloud environment.


of new applications will use Al to drive personalized adaptive user interfaces

93 %

of organizations are currently or plan to use Al in the next 12 months

80 %

of enterprises will have used generative Al

70 %

of workloads will run in a cloud environment.

30 %

of new applications will use Al to drive personalized adaptive user interfaces

Ready to experience the benefits of Azure with us?

Download our infographic made by Microsoft and Seven Peaks to learn about how Microsoft Azure AI can help your business build and modernize apps

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Ready to Transform Your Business with AI?

Download our executive summary to learn more about how Microsoft Azure AI can redefine the way you work and drive your business forward.