2024 Benchmarks Report

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Get the 2024 Benchmarks Report

Industry benchmarks are critically important for companies of all sizes to understand. Knowing what ‘good’ and ‘great’ look like helps teams set goals, spot areas for improvement… and allocate resources efficiently.

Andrew Chen

General Partner at a17z

All industries saw a double-digit drop in week one retention in 2023 compared to 2022.

Compare how your business performed across the board from marketing acquisition to product engagement, stickiness, retention, and beyond.

See how you measure up

Week One Retention 2022 - 2023
What percentage of users return to use the product after one week?

Get the insights you need to make better decisions for your product and marketing efforts.

We put Mixpanel to work to uncover key insights to make your business more effective. The report analyzes results from startups to enterprise companies across six key industries.


events tracked


unique sessions


companies included

Take control of your data

Want to see how you measure up? Download the full report to see benchmarks for your industry in key performance indicators like engagement, activation, retention, and marketing performance.