Crafting a mobile app that solves the needs of people with allergies

3 min read
Oct 27, 2023 12:10:50 PM


The CheckWise app enables easy, safe, and healthy shopping by detecting possible allergens in food for allergists and for those who want to shop more consciously.

The difficult part is the scientific language on the label. How can allergic people know that Archaic or Archaic oil contain peanuts in it? In CheckWise, the application can make the daily ingredients scanning easier. Imagine if your grandmother is allergic to peanuts, without her long-sighted glasses, it is very hard to read all the ingredients descriptions, while the ingredients’ names written on the label are full of confusing vocabulary.

CheckWise, in this case, can be used to help scanning and checking whether the ingredients are safe or not. Therefore, Seven Peaks Software was tasked with designing an easy-to-use, informative application that allowed users to get set up quickly.


Real Health-related use

Designing an easy-to-use, informative application that allowed users to get set up quickly and efficiently.

Overcoming Complex Tech

Allergens were added to profiles easily with warnings that were represented when packaging was scanned via the mobile application.

Fewer Steps for Better Flows

We selected the flows with the least amount of steps to minimize complexness and improve UX.

Our Solution

Our client developed the complex recognition technology behind the application, while our design team was tasked with simplifying things for their customers.

The main challenge was helping ensure that the flows and interface could be used by all levels of technical ability and by understanding how to accommodate a wider audience.

This application would be used to determine how safe food was for its customers. Therefore, allergens needed to be added to profiles easily with warnings that were represented when packaging was scanned.

Moreover, since the company was newly established, the branding section is not fully operational yet. Hence, there were still some spaces in the section that we needed to work upon.






What we did for Checkwise

We saw the problems from most UI designs in mobile applications that sometimes it can become hard to understand not only for older generations, but also the younger users.

So, we worked with the Health & Wise team to come up with an MVP that was focused on simply adding user profiles, setting their allergens, and allowing them to scan packaging to see the results.

We tend to use universally understandable iconographies so that the design that we created is not only easily usable for the young generations, but also the older ones. It can be said that our design covers all generations without age-bounding.

In addition, we made the interface theme & styling to be in accordance with the client’s expectation. They wanted something simple, fun, and modern – making it easy to engage with.

Thereby, we used iconographies to visualize allergens and found an illustration style to suit them.

Our Process

For the user experience, we selected the flows with the least amount of steps to minimize complexness – starting with the introduction flow that took users through setting up a very basic profile and adding their allergens.

Allergens are now able to easily be found using a text search or via a simple category selection. Each allergen is represented with an icon and can be toggled on and off.

Users can add multiple profiles if searching for specific products for their friends and/or family members.

Once a profile is added, users can start scanning them very quickly. The main screen shows a large scan button that opens the camera allowing users to take pictures of packaging ingredients and then get the results.

Any matching allergens found in the product ingredients were shown as clear warnings – which advises the user accordingly.

For the branding section, we have filled the space by providing different style options for the client to decide which one is most favorable.

High-fidelity wireframes, for Android and iOS, along with interactive prototypes were all delivered for this project.



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